Jacob Harmon and Christopher Hinton exchanged Monty Python quotes in a Holland Park School drama class in 1990.  Their relationship developed into quoting Black Adder, Derek and Clive and Brass Eye at one another until finally, in Mr. Kruger’s Media Studies A level, they put all the pieces together in the lost radio classic “Avon ladies from beyond the moon”.  

After a brief 25 year hiatus during which they studied Computer and Video games at Salford, History and Politics at L.S.E., taught English in the far East, worked on Eurotrash at Rapido television, and Sired a toffee coloured baby, a heated discussion of rupert murdoch’s evidence before the Levinson Enquiry led to an agreement that Something Must Be Done.  

That that something was a radio play about a Victorian Lord who fights crime from the head cavity of a giant brass monkey came as a surprise to no one.

John Tatlock spent a couple of decades as a producer and designer in the video game industry, with audio production as a more beloved but less profitable sideline.

He eventually went full time in audio in 2013. He has worked as a remixer (Lana Del Rey, Erasure, Saint Etienne and more), a producer of underground Manchester bands (The Yossarians, ILL and more), an audiobook producer (most notably Quietus editor John Doran’s memoir Jolly Lad), and still keeps a hand in games, creating music and sound effects for various companies.

John also runs The Box Mobile Recording Studio, a location recording business.
